Thursday, May 14, 2020

Keep Evolution in Our Schools Essay - 779 Words

Keep Evolution in Our Schools Recently, in Georgia, the persisting question does evolution have a place in our schools? was again brought up. The state wants to remove the theory of evolution from the curriculum. The children would still be taught mathematical theorems, classical literature, chemistry, and biology; but the teachers would be depriving them of a scientifically accepted theory of how the world began. The children cannot be made to believe anything that they do not want to, therefore teaching them the valuable philosophy of evolution would help to expand their minds, rather than shrink them. Evolution as a science is particularly beneficial. Most young children, stereotypically boys, are very much into playing with†¦show more content†¦According to this, everything around us is constantly evolving. Trees for example, grow a new ring of bark every year. Is this not evolution? I believe that growing a new ring of bark is evolving into a different and better form. The tree has changed, and it i s now better protected and more stable from the elements. Another legitimate example of evolution is a developing fetus. Within nine months, a fetus evolves from nothing but a minute egg to a fully developed child. Evolution is useful in all areas of science, medicine, philosophy, and many other topics. Evolutionary thought, and in particular an understanding of the new concepts developed in evolutionary biology, such as population, biological species, co evolution, adaptation, and competition, is indispensable for most human activities (Mayr 267). The evolution of medication and the perfecting of such chemistries as alchemy have led our world in a direction of better controlling disease and creating materials. When it comes to teaching a person new things, they are fully equipped to understand the facts, but not accept them. This denial of acceptance does not have to be violent, it could simply be a dismissal of it being true; but the person would still be educated in the subject. When in a debate, the surest way to win, is to know, understand, and utilize both sides of the argument to ones advantage. To put it bluntly but fairly,Show MoreRelatedCreationism vs. Evolutionism in Public Schools1538 Words   |  7 PagesCreationism vs. Evolution in Schools: 1st Affirmative Constructive Speech Creationism and Evolutionism by definition are very different topics. Currently, evolutionary naturalism is the most widely taught view of origins in America. In schools in the modern day, only evolutionism is taught and condoned. But before the 1920s, only creationism was taught, and evolution was forbidden. 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