Friday, August 21, 2020

Summer Reading Part 9 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog

Summer Reading â€" Part 9 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog A few more incoming students, and a current student, have passed along content for summer reading/following.     If you want to find all the Summer Reading entries, simply type “Summer Reading” in the Search bar over in the right hand menu and they will all be available on the results page. Mehroz Baig (MIA/Journalism dual-degree student at Columbia) Twitter: @BaigMehroz I also reported out of the Bronx earlier this yearyou can check out my stories along with my colleagues at Jennifer Crockett (Incoming EMPA) I’m reading ‘Half the Sky’ by Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn â€" a great book on women’s oppression worldwide. Katie Davies (Incoming MIA) Twitter: @ktd_nyc Annalisa Liberman (Incoming MPA) Blog:   Molly Powers (MPA Development Practice Candidate 2012) Ive been enjoying a wonderful summer in Uganda at the Millennium Villages site.   My current blog is:

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